1000 Things to Do with a Sewing Machine!

I remember saying that it is better to get organized when you only have a handful of sewing patterns to sort through, and continue the system from there, than it is to organize three boxes full of patterns that you are almost drowning in!

Nice dress!  Thanks, I made it!!
M Nice dress! Thanks, I made it!!

Since I have an addiction to “try everything, learn everything and talk about it with you” and since I have hit my one year mark and it doesn’t look like I am leaving anytime soon (poor you), I thought it was time to get my posts organized, before the job got too big!

Therefore, to make it easier for me to keep track of what I have tried, and to make it easier to look back at my posts and photos to see how I did it, I have made up an Index of posts which I can look back on easily when I need to refresh my memory.  If it happens to be of some use to you too, well, then that’s a bonus!

So here is the start of my page – “1000 Things to Do with a Sewing Machine”, which I shall be revising and adding to as techniques and projects are tried by me.  To have a peek at my page – click HERE!    (There is also a link to my page in the menu at the top of my blog.)

Thanks for reading and/or commenting!

Happy Sewing!

6 thoughts on “1000 Things to Do with a Sewing Machine!

  1. Love a cat in a box, ours can’t resist either 🙂

    1. Yes, it’s typical behaviour… We’ve got two of them!

  2. Great Idea 🙂

  3. Brilliant! I’m making a Dolly too as I’m stealing your idea, probably will give her a different name, at the moment she’s like sleeping hollow haha!

    1. Well you will have to blog to us your/her progress!

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