We interrupt this program to bring you…

… a special bulletin.

Yes, you know it already… In last week’s post, I asked you which vintage sewing pattern should be my first in the Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge 2015.  The winner, with 64% of the vote is … McCall’s M7238!

1980 - looks plain but a nice fabric would really show it off!
1980 – looks plain but a nice fabric would really show it off!

One of my sister’s “old” patterns and apparently the one she sewed up for her civil wedding ceremony!  A very special dress indeed, needs a very special fabric!  And no, I am not running out to the fabric store now to buy fabric!  (I do have to buy topstitching thread, but that’s it!  I swear!)  I have a couple of fabrics in my stash waiting for a special dress project.  I’m not going to show you though, because, well, some things in life have to be a surprise, but I shall “cut” into my fabric this weekend, along with a couple of other fabrics that I have planned to sew in the coming months.

Do you like cutting out your fashion fabric as much as you like sewing it?  Or are you like me… It is so difficult to find clear floor space and all that crawling around with your butt in the air is hard on the knees, even if you are on the pristine thick living room carpet.  I read one blogger uses a pillow under her knees.  I think I will try that this time as I have a few projects to cut out and I really want to get the “cutting out” over with all at once!

Happy Family Day long weekend to all those living in British Columbia, Canada! and Happy Sewing to everyone!

… We shall resume our regular programming now…

26 thoughts on “We interrupt this program to bring you…

  1. Nice pattern! I’m not a fan of the cutting out process either. Too hard on the back.

    1. … And yet we must “suffer” for our art! 😀

  2. What no photo of your crawling around on the floor with your butt in the air…!
    Happy Family Day Linda and hubby and kids 🙂

    1. No, no photo, never on the Internet especially! It’s bad enough my hubby and the kids and the cats have to see it! You all have a Happy Family Day next weekend… Strange they didn’t make it the same for all provinces!

      1. About Family Day…yes here I was under the mistaken impression that we had the day off tomorrow only to discover I was WRONG! Moan, groan, whimper, whine.

        1. Poor you! You get next Monday off when I am working!

  3. Can’t wait to see the finished product and the mystery fabric. 🐕

  4. It’s a good winner and I’m intrigued to see the fabric you’ll be using.

    I always do my cutting out in stages, otherwise I’d never do it at all. My knees and back hate me if I spend too much time bent over and the rest of time is spent trying to encourage a playful cat from destroying everything. Still, it’s a vital hurdle that must be cleared so the fun stuff can happen!

    1. That’s true! I usually shut myself in the living room so the two cats can’t get me, but I certainly know what you mean. It’s a wonder someone (cat) hasn’t had a finger or ear clipped off!

  5. It might be hard to cut out dress pieces this way, but when I was making the muslin for a top a few months ago I cleared everything off my sewing table and was able to cut everything out on the table, hunched over but standing!
    I also dislike cutting on the floor… I know cats are bad, but my dogs always want to roll all over my fabric!

    1. Thanks for the tip! I cannot imagine having a dog around when you are cutting! I can at least shut the cats out but a dog would be more insistent on being with you and then there would be trouble! 😄

  6. Cutting is the worst! I try to get a few projects cut out at once so that I can move onto the fun stuff – sewing. I always get my wine (and my whine) out for cutting days!

    1. Oh Good! Another great tip! Wine and Whine! Kidding aside, it sounds like you “cut out” just like me… Get it all over with at once!!

  7. I like that pattern, it will look lovely in a special and suprise fabric. No not a fan of cutting out, cats are absolutely no help either.

    1. Thank you! Too bad cats are not very train-able!

  8. I cut out on our kitchen table, so fine on the knees, but bad for the back. Our cat frequently ‘helps’ with my projects too 🙂 Will look forward to seeing your fabric choice for this.

    1. I have used the kitchen table before. Usually it has to be cleared off (school stuff, bills to pay, cookie jars) and cleaned up before I use it. Then the cats can pul the fabric right off the end of the table!

      1. All sounds very familiar 😉

  9. Looking forward to your frock.

    I am in awe of you cutting out on the floor. Back in a previous life I had a giant cutting table. It went in a large airy sunny room that was totally dedicated to my sewing. There was even a little bathroom so I never had to leave. Then we moved states to a city where real estate cost a LOT more. No more sewing room, no more giant cutting table 🙁 So now I have an AO sized cutting mat that I put on the kitchen bench, while whinging that it is not quite big enough. Then just yesterday I had an epiphany. Out in our al fresco we have a huge table that seats 10 people. Why am I not cutting out on that?! Duh! Forehead slap right there! I cannot believe I’ve not considered that before. Another forehead slap. Can’t wait for my next project now.

    1. Oh that is a great idea! I can use the kitchen table if no one else is using it. But then the cats are in there with me too! So … I am green with envy! 😄

  10. lol! Love that cat! I like the version with the long sleeves and I’m curious to see the fabric too! I hate cutting, which I also do on the floor, I can use the table but it’s too much effort clearing it every time! I think I only like sewing fabric that someone else has cut for and someone else will fit after I have sewn haha!

    1. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate! Hiring someone to fit and cut so I could sit and sew! 😄

      1. Hahaha! Absolutely!

  11. After years of cutting fabric on the kitchen table I had my husband build me a gate-leg cutting table that’s 48 by 72+ inches open and 48 by 18 inches folded up. It’s great but I STILL don’t enjoy cutting.

    1. Oh it must be nice to have a proper table though… So jealous!

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