Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge and MAGAM …

I can’t turn down a good Challenge!

I have slowly realized that I am not one to make New Year’s Resolutions … in life or in my sewing.  Instead, I just blather away about all the things I want to try this year … sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t … sometimes I plan one thing and it ends up being another!

I am finding though, being exposed to so many new things on these wonderful sewing blogs, that there are many, many “Challenges” out there and I am having a difficult time saying “No”.  Give me a Challenge and I will sign on!

So that is how I find myself signed up for FOUR Challenges in 2015 – this is going to be so fun!  There’s the RTW Fast 2015 and Jungle January and the 2015 Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge! and the Make A Garment A Month Challenge!  I think I can do it all… really!   Seriously!

I already roared through the Jungle January Challenge.   Yippee!  Now I have to conquer the RTW Fast, the MAGAM Challenge (that one might be difficult!) and the Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge.

I have a few vintage sewing patterns, given to me by my sister, that I could sew up.  (Thank you, Rose!)  I would like a vintage dress.  I would like a few actually.  I am unsure though how much time I have this year for sewing up vintage dresses.  So give me a hand here … which dress should I sew up first?  Let me know and I will start hunting through my fabric stash!

1989 - lots of bodice variations.  I'd probably make the short sleeve version.
1989 – lots of bodice variations. I’d probably make short sleeves or a 3/4’s length sleeve.
1978 - a little plain for me.  Would have to be short sleeves too and a nice fabric.
1978 – a little plain for me. Would have to be short sleeves or a 3/4’s length sleeve  too.
1980 - looks plain but a nice fabric would really show it off!
1980 – looks plain but a nice fabric would really show it off!
1989 - I would have to leave out the shoulder pads - sorry!
1989 – I would have to leave out the shoulder pads – sorry!
1980 - would have to find a nice fabric for this one too!
1980 – again, no should pads please!

Here’s some more patterns from the 2 boxes my sister gave me …

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Now these are not vintage, but they are “retro” patterns.  (click on one photo to start)

What do you think … can I pull off all these Challenges? and which vintage dress should I do first?  Love to hear from you!

Happy Sewing!

35 thoughts on “Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge and MAGAM …

  1. You’re gonna be one busy lady! I’ve voted for the simple dress as I think you need to make something you’re likely to get most wear out of – too practical??
    Good luck 😀

    1. Isn’t there a saying about “idle hands”? I can’t stop sewing, so I might as well have some direction, I guess? 😝 that’s a good idea – choice of dress – I spend most my time at work or home, so something practical is a good choice. We shall see what the vote says next week! Fingers crossed! And Thank you!

  2. Lucky you to be given lots of patterns to choose from!

    1. Yes, I have very thoughtful sisters! I am lucky!

  3. I’d definitely have a crack at the last three, the 80spatterns can be voluminous. I used one in a PR pattern stash contest and took eight inches out of the bust.

    1. Oh! Thank you for the tip! I will be sure to use my bodice sloper! Anyone have any more tips!

  4. I’m with Thimberlina on the classical dress. A good honest wardrobe staple. LOVE the coat pattern to the point of pattern envy….. I would make the jacket first purely for trip down memory lane value. Had one very similar in a bright burnt orange in the early 80’s and wore the thing to its grave.

    1. Haha, looks like another vote for the dress! I do love the coat. Anyone know of a coat challenge I can sign up for?? 😀

  5. Oh, decisions, decisions 🙂 Glad to see I’m in tune with everyone else here. Think you’re right in a nice fabric, this would be perfect.

    1. Thank you! We shall see if the majority votes for it!

  6. I voted for the Simplicity pattern–7238. I’d want comfort. 😊

    1. Comfort always wins out in the end, doesn’t it! And a heartfelt Thank you for the “Gloves” pattern. I will make them someday you know! (Just Challenge me not to!)

  7. I do like the full simplicity skirts and the Simplicity coat pattern is just amazing! I haven’t tried anything vintage yet – I keep meaning to check out my mum’s attic for old patterns! Good luck with all the challenges


    1. Thank you! I like full skirts better than pencil skirts. Ooh! You just couldn’t keep me out of an attic! Sounds like a fun treasure hunt!

  8. 7238 in a lovely print would be my choice. Great set of patterns though – I look forward to seeing which one wins the vote!

      1. Of course! 😉

  9. Well, I just had to vote. As you know, I have had all of these in my closet and the one that, so far, has gotten the most votes is the one I got married in (at city hall). Now, the one I found to be the most casual and comfortable one was 9045. I made that dress, as a summer dress, and loved it. Never did make the jacket. I am definitely with you, shoulder pads are vintage but a definite thing of the past. Good luck to you on all your projects.

    1. I remember that of course, but the dress… Was it a soft light blue? Because I seem to remember it being a soft light blue. Very pretty! Again, I say Thank you! for the boxes of patterns!

  10. 7238 gets my vote! Though I know you would totally rock all the patterns – they are all so lovely👏. Of course you will be able to do all the challenges, looking forward to seeing your makes😄

    1. Thanks for playing along! And thanks for the compliment!

  11. I voted! I remember wearing styles exactly like these lovely patterns – does that make me vintage too? It’s like going to a museum and personally recognising some of the exhibits!

    1. Well I remember these styles too – and those hairdos! – but I prefer something other than “vintage” as a handle… How about “classic”? Anything with “class” in it has got to be great!

  12. Oh my I have 3 large plastic containers with similar patterns!

    1. Where do you get your’s from, usually? On line shops? Or?

      1. Old friends, charity shops and believed or not I started sewing in the early 80!

        1. Haha, I have to say, and maybe it will make you feel younger, I started sewing with school courses, in the mid 70’s! Now silly me, and let this be a lesson to all, I threw out my patterns when I gained weight and when I lost it! Now I can at least try to adjust the pattern with some success and I don’t throw anything out anymore. Someone out there is probably valuing my long lost vintages!

  13. I must admit I rarely wear dresses anymore, but if I could lay my hands on some vintage clothes that might change. I love styles from the 1920s, 30s and 40s but that may be going back just a little too far, who knows. Mom always used to say whatever is old is new again.
    Can’t wait to see the finished results!

    1. Going back too far is never too far. If I could ONLY find a thrift or second hand store or antique shop that had vintage sewing patterns or supplies, it would be true love! And of course, Mom was right!

  14. I voted 7238, I’m imagining it for myself in a deep blue a bit shorter 🙂

    1. Hmm… Maybe I should loan it to you afterwards!

  15. I like the Butterick retro pattern. BTW, it really bothers me that something as recent as the 1980s is considered “vintage.” I guess I really am getting old. 🙂

    1. Yes, I thought it would be on the edge of vintage being the 80’s but I looked it up and vintage is 25 years! Hard to believe!

  16. I absolutely love the first pattern – it has a bit of a late 40s vibe, which I love. The current front runner would have been my second choice, though. As you say, it’s a dress where the fabric is the star. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished result!

    1. We shall see which one wins first place… Maybe I will have room for the second place one too? I was browsing Etsy tonight, the vintage sewing patterns are so lovely! This might be another addiction!

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