Did a run on the weekend…

so no sewing.  Sad for the no sewing – Happy that I can still do 10 k without having a heart attack!


I did post to The Monthly Stitch for their April Challenge though – Flower Power Two Fabrics, so if you have an interest in expanding your sewing community, or are curious, come on over for a visit!

Have you tried a Monthly Challenge from The Monthly Stitch yet – which one?

Happy Sewing!

20 thoughts on “Did a run on the weekend…

  1. Well done. I don’t think I could run that distance, maybe walk it! And you can catch up with the sewing soon!

    1. Yes, well, I have been doing this run since 2004, always hoping I would improve on my time, well my time hasn’t improved, but I am getting older, so I guess that counts for something! 😜

  2. The sewing can wait (shock/horror!). Congratulations on doing that run!

    1. I know (shock, horror) 😂. Thank you!

  3. Congratulations on your accomplishment-I feel that sewing needs to be balanced with physical challenges.

    1. Thank you! Yes, a balance in life is important.

  4. Well done on completing your run! Plenty of time to sew next week… I’ve kept up with the monthly challenges so far, but this month it’s looking difficult to fit in. Sometimes life just gets in the way…

    1. Thank you! Yes sometimes you are lucky and they fit in with you plans so well!

  5. Oh Linda! I have trouble keeping up with my walking. Good job running a 10K. Very impressive indeed.

    1. Thank you! Although it didn’t feel that great when I was doing it… I felt like Wonder Woman afterwards!

      1. Yes, Wonder Woman! You can make yourself a cape…..

        1. My next sewing project!! 😂

  6. Well done! You can reward yourself with a sewing day….. or several😃

    1. Thank you! I wish I could have several, but I will have to settle for one… Maybe!

  7. Yayy.. Go linda!! 🙂 congrats..

  8. Good job! And *respect*!

  9. Well I haven’t done a monthly challenge but I’ve started training for another run–The Goddess Run. Supposedly at the end you get a hug (if you want) by a fireman waiting at the Finish line. Works for me. Feel sorry for him. I know how I sweat.

    I hope you had a good run. Good for you for going out and doing it. Your heart appreciates it. ❤❤ ❤

    1. Thank you! And I would love a hug from a fireman, not sure if I want to sweat for it though! 😄 good luck with your training and your next Run!

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