Betcha by Golly ya thought it was gonna be about a UFO!

You know how it is.  You finish a garment and there is something that is not quite right about it.  So you put it aside for later… and there it sits.

Two weeks ago, I posted about my finished blue pants.  The only problem is that I sewed the invisible zipper in too close and after I tried the pants on and zipped them up, the fabric got stuck in my zipper and I had to break the zipper to get them off again!


This is a lovely fabric (Blue Horizon Suiting, 100% polyester), a lovely pattern (Vogue V2948) and I’ve worked on the pants muslin to get a pretty good fit (Pant Fitting Techniques by Sandra Betzina).  Now I have the added extra of A BROKEN ZIPPER!

The usual routine for me is to put them aside until I feel like going back to wrestle the problem down, but after confessing last week that I had just finished TWO UFOs, one 9 years old and one 19 years old, I just couldn’t let that happen again.

So I picked out the broken invisible zipper.  Cut out three zipper facings, two for one side and one for the other.  And I finished the job.

One side of the zipper opening and the interfaced facing and zipper sewed on.  Single fold bias tape finishing off the rough edges.


Other side of the zipper opening with facing and zipper sewed on.


TA DA!  The zipper is in and this is no longer a UFO.  (One thing I never thought of was… I took out the invisible zipper and sewed in the regular zipper in the exact same place.  I’m not sure if I like the crossed rows of the vertical and horizontal sewing.  Fortunately that won’t be noticed under my usual tops.)

imageFinished pants… front.

imageFinished pants back…


One pair left, my black pair – then, I think, it might be time to feed my dress desires!  or perhaps my Sister’s Sewing Projects!  or my Designin’ December outfit!  SEW many choices!

How’s your sewing going?  Do you have more ideas buzzing in your brain than you have time to finish them?

Happy Sewing!

Oh yes!  A blogger asked me how I made my blog button.  I am always researching and learning about computers, programs, etc., while writing my blog.  A blog post that taught me a lot about blog buttons was “My Pregnancy Baby” – nothing to do with sewing, so I wasn’t really interested in the blog (sorry!) – but she had a great post on blog buttons here.  Thank you for that, “My Pregnancy Baby”!

30 thoughts on “Betcha by Golly ya thought it was gonna be about a UFO!

  1. Brilliant fit, I love these pants and I am so glad that they are no longer languishing in the UFO pile!

    1. Thanks! yes, I certainly don’t need any more piles of sewing to be done!

  2. You did it. Excellent. The pants look really good and fit right. I’m not a Sewist but I have a few art commissions I need to complete. I always make a list and that way I can give people a reasonable time expectation.

    Looking forward to seeing the black pair.

    1. Thanks! Yes my brain (and the fridge and my IPad) are full of lists! But it’s all fun, isn’t it!

  3. I know I’m probably in the minority here but I like the look of a ‘regular zipper’. I have a tendency to set those redo projects aside for … Years! It must feel good to have it done and ready to wear.

    1. Funny, I don’t have a preference. I like the regular ones for the fly front. I think if I had a sleek dress or pants I would want an invisible zipper, but I don’t often go for sleek garments! I’m with you on the mending! 😟

  4. Well done on not having another UFO and great that you finished the other two.

  5. Job well done! I’m new enough that I don’t have UFOs. However, my WIPs certainly do remain in that status for far too long…

    1. I know, sometimes everything is against you getting back to those projects!

  6. Well done! I bet it didn’t take too long to fix after all that! They look great.

    1. Thanks! I’m happy I continued with them.

  7. Good for you! It’s always best to persevere and finish those projects! I, too, like a regular zipper and your redo looks great.

    1. Thanks! Hopefully I learned a lesson for the next time! 😄

  8. He he! I do this all the time! Start a project then it feels like something is going wrong so I set it aside for a while or I get excited by another! That’s how I only finished my pyjamas today when I started them in September! Shame on me! But I am pleased with the result! So I think sometimes it is better to leave project for later! Oh and ideas I have some many! Wish the day was more like 50 hour days! Lol

    1. Nice to know that someone else does it too! So are we going to see the PJs?

      1. Yes! Blogged about them earlier today! You’ll find it in your feed! 😎

        1. Good! I will go take a look! 👀

  9. I agree with the lady above, I like a normal zipper as much as an invisible one. In fact normal zips are actually more work to sew in! Like you my list of sewing is endless. This evening I even changed the neck on the top I was wearing and narrowed the sleeves and then put it back on. Haha! Nothings safe from the scissors and machine in my wardrobe!!

    1. Oh my! Remind me not to walk past you with a loose thread on my top ! Once I wore my brown pants to work and decided I wanted to tighten the waistband. As soon as I got home I did it. Gotta keep the UFOs away!

  10. Interesting but what I really want to know is what you were doing on the pregnancy blog in the first place!! 😉

    1. It’s funny. Google “how to —–” and you will be amazed where it will lead you! I wonder if I sometimes get incorrect “hits/readers” when I type “UFOs”. My blog is probably a big disappointment to the folks with the tinfoil hats! (My sincerest apologies if I cause any offence to anyone!)

  11. The speed of my redos are directly proportional to how badly I want to wear it. Not the best system as it tends to lead to me trying to speed finish things, like redoing an invisible zipper on a dress that I hadn’t quite sewn close enough to the teeth 5 minutes before heading out the door, but at least it was finished!

    1. Might not be the best system, but it is probably the most used and perfectly understandable! 😄

  12. Well done for sorting out the zipper problems on your trousers so quickly. Now you have a great garment you can wear!

    1. Thank you! I wore them to work the other day and am quite happy with them. Now on to the next project! 😄

  13. Great fit, and a pat on the back for getting motivated to fix the zip. I’m impressed! 😀

  14. Well done for getting this sorted. I have an increasingly large, to-fix pile… Must get on with it soon…

    1. It’s so difficult to re-visit that pile!

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